Healthy Eating & Diet

The first step to weight loss is to learn tips and techniques for healthy eating. By changing your diet, you'll improve your health and shed pounds. Whether you count calories, choose a commercial weight loss plan, or just change the way you cook, you'll see results once you take this first step. Get started today!
  1. Avoid Common Diet Mistakes
  2. Make Healthier Meals
  3. Better Fast Food Choices
  4. Diet Plans for Improved Health
  5. Popular Weight Loss Programs

Avoid Common Diet Mistakes

Don't make any of these common diet mistakes. Shop wisely and eat well to lose weight and keep the pounds from coming back.
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Make Healthier Meals

The best way to cut calories and cut fat from your diet is to cook your food yourself. That way you can control the ingredients and serving size. Healthy cooking doesn't have to be complicated. These techniques and recipes will get you started.

Better Fast Food Choices

Everyone ends up at a fast food restaurant once in a while. Learn how to make better choices and get out of the drive thru lane without ruining your diet.

Diet Plans for Improved Health

Some diet plans are designed to help you lose weight and improve your health. If you have special needs as a dieter, use one of these plans and work with your health care team to get healthy.

Popular Weight Loss Programs

Get basic information about the most popular weight loss programs and find out which plan is the best one for you.
  • The South Beach Diet
  • 5 Factor Diet
  • Atkins
  • Look Younger, Lose Weight with Fun, New Sexy Diet                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    By , Guide

Cardio Workout Program for Weight Loss

What the guidelines don't explain in detail is how to set up a routine that incorporates a variety of workout intensities, activities and durations. If you only do slow workouts (or staying in your 'fat burning zone'), you not only risk boredom, you may experience slower weight loss. Working harder forces your body to adapt by building more stamina, all the while burning more calories. On the other hand, too many high intensity workouts can lead to burnout, overtraining or even injuries.
The key to a well-rounded cardio program is to include all levels of intensity each week - low, moderate and high, or even a combination of all three.
How to Set Up Your Weekly Cardio Program
When mapping out your weekly cardio workouts, consider including: low-moderate intensity workouts - This is between 60-70% of your maximum heart rate, or a Level 4-5 on the perceived exertion chart. You should be able to talk easily. Examples:
  • A slow bike ride
  • Taking a walk
  • A leisurely swim
  • Moderate intensity workouts - This is between 70-80% of your maximum heart rate, or a Level 5-7 on this perceived exertion chart. You should still be able to talk with some effort. Examples:
    • Brisk walking
    • Step aerobics, Zumba or other types of aerobics
    • Light jogging
  • High intensity or vigorous workouts - This is between 80-90% of your maximum heart rate, or a Level 8-9 on this perceived exertion chart. You should have difficulty talking. Examples: To monitor your intensity, make sure you keep track of your target heart rate, or use a perceived exertion chart.
    Building Your Routine
    Below is a chart detailing a sample week of cardio workouts for a person who exercises six days a week. This is simply an example of how to incorporate different types of cardio workouts into a typical week. Modify the workouts according to your own fitness level, time constraints and preferences.
    Day Intensity Length Sample Workouts
    Mon HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) 20-30 min Sprint Interval Workout
    Tues Moderate Intensity 45-60 min Brisk Walking or jogging
    Wed Low-Moderate Intensity All dayUse a pedometer and try to get 10,000 steps
    Thurs  Moderate-High Intensity 30-60 min 45-Minute Treadmill Workout
    Fri Moderate Intensity 30-45 min Cardio Endurance Intervals
    Sat Low-Moderate Intensity 30-60 min Walking or a long bike ride
    Sun Rest Rest Rest
    Don't forget to:
    • Start slowly, if you're a beginner, and work your way up to this level of exercise. How much you need is based on a number of factors, including your fitness level, age, gender and your goals. More about beginner cardio
    • Warm up and cool down for each workout
    • Stay hydrated
    • Stretch after your workout
  • How Can I Burn Calories Fast?

    Did you know, the more you weigh the more calories you burn per minute? This is one reason so many people have such a hard time reaching their goal weight. They start off on a steady stream of weight loss, but as the weeks and months pass, that steady stream begins to diminish to the point where you feel like you're no longer losing anything. This is where most people become frustrated and give up.
    The trick is, knowing you will have to gradually increase your exercise activity in order to burn the same amount of calories you were in the beginning. You're probably thinking, "I can barley do the exercises I do now, let alone increase the intensity", but remember as you lose weight, and become more fit you are also increasing your muscle mass and endurance making physical activity that was once difficult, a lot easier.
    To lose weight you need to create a deficit in your daily calorie intake. By cutting back 500 calories a day you will lose a pound a week. This can actually be very simple. For example, cutting back one coffee drink from Starbucks can save you between 300-500 calories and a 30 minute workout on an elliptical for a person 160-200 lb. will burn 250-400 calories (the duration of your favorite sitcom).
    There are also many ways to burn extra calories during daily activities, like taking the stairs instead of the elevator, doing a little extra cleaning around the house, taking the dog for a walk, or even cleaning your car. You can even keep track of your daily calories burned with a "calorie tracker". A calorie tracker can accurately track the calories you burn each day. They're small and discreet enough to tuck under clothing so you can wear all day.
    To really utilize your calorie tracker, take a few days and track your normal daily activities so you can see how many calories you actually burn during a typical day. Once you have an approx. number, add an extra 500-1,000, and try and meet that goal everyday. This paired with a healthy diet is an easy way to lose weight fast.
    Now that you know simple and easy ways to burn calories fast, there is one more thing you need to know in order to successfully lose weight and keep it off. Pace yourself! Trying to cut back too many calories too fast will only create deprivation causing you to binge. Start off cutting back only 250-350 calories first, working your way up to 500.
    Lose weight fast with a calorie tracker - Fitbit Ultra Wireless Activity Tracker
    Article Source:

    Eating Healthy Through the Holidays!

    Do the anticipation of the holidays making you cringe because you are "watching" your weight and you know how much food will be available to you and think that there will be a ton of pressure to eat it all - you know how the family is...

    Well, here are a few tips that will help you keep your sanity during the holidays.
    Don't skip meals. Eat healthy through your day and before you go to the next party, have a small healthy snack which will help you feel less hungry and curb the temptations to dive into all the food.
    Keep your goals in mind. Write down where you want to be and keep this in mind throughout the holidays.

    Be realistic. Keep a food journal to help you keep track of what you really eat. It's so easy to mindlessly eat during the holidays.

    Make the healthiest choice possible. Quickly survey the buffet table and make the healthiest choice; pick the items you like and skip the ones you don't. Try to keep you plate balanced by choosing vegetables and fruits.

    Make time for exercise by planning it in your schedule. Exercise helps relieve holiday stress and prevent weight gain. A daily moderate does of exercise can help offset the increase of holiday eating. Try a 10-15 minute walk two times a day

    When it comes to food, giving into temptation is a sure-fire way to leave you whimpering on the scale or feeling deprived come New Year's Day. Rather than the all-or-nothing approach to the holidays, approach this season well-armed with a specific plan.

    Be aware of your emotional state with your holiday eating. The holidays can bring on a wealth of emotions - good and bad. Some people turn to food to sooth their feelings. Family reunions can be a mix of conflict, joy and even expectations for the holidays can lead to loneliness and disappointments. And, the stress of preparing for the holidays can evoke memories - sad and happy. Learn to talk through, rather than eat through, those feelings. Often relieving pressure and reduce unwanted eating can be as easy as talking with a friend

    Keep your perspective! The greatest gift of the holidays is not the buffet table, the fudge, or the champagne. Some of the greatest gifts of the holidays are the conversations, the camaraderie and the laughter enjoyed with family and friends. Plan activities that nourish your sou and build memories such as caroling, tree trimming and get together with others like skating, sledding and strolling through the neighborhood to see the decorations.

    Preserve the holidays and drop the binge. Giving into temptation is a sure-fire way to leave you whimpering on the scale and feeling a little deprived after New Year's. Approach this season well-armed with a specific plan.

    Still looking for a more solid plan to have during the holidays? We have an eating plan and a free coach to support you through.
    Article Source:

    Tips to Lose Weight Fast and Easy

    you're like most Americans that have put on some excess weight, you want to know the best way to lose weight fast and easy. Quick solutions is the way most people want to lose weight but this is not a long-term solution and typically is temporary. Let's face it, diets to lose weight fast are continually thrown out such as liquid diet weight loss or taking a 'fat loss' pill. A colon cleanse weight loss diet can be helpful to get rid of toxins in the colon and kick-start your body back into a fat-burning machine!

    Another aspect to these quick weight loss diets is it begins to affect the person's metabolism. When you get into a cycle of losing weight and gaining weight, you actually cause your body to become confused and the metabolism that works to burn calories, begins to shut down. When the metabolism slows, losing weight becomes harder each time the individual goes on the next latest 'diet' craze. If you have noticed a slow-down in your metabolism, you can do some things to speed it up, but there is no magic bullet when it comes to permanent weight loss.

    There are several foods that burn fat fast which include:

    • Almonds - great fiber and protein source
    • Asparagus helps to flush out excess fluids from the body
    • Lettuce is super low in calories and high in water to flush out fat
    • Celery is another veggie that flushes fat from the body
    • Lean meats and fish are high in protein making you feel fuller longer
    • Eat an apple before every meal and it can help burn more calories of the meal you consume
    • Grapefruit has a high concentration of pectin, which breaks down fat in the body
    • Water - you must drink adequate amounts of water not just to hydrate but it helps to get your metabolism back on track. People that are dehydrated lose less weight!

    When you want to lose weight fast and easy, think about this - changing your diet and lifestyle is truly the only way to burn the fat and keep it off. Getting rid of processed and junk foods will get your body back into a mode of slower weight loss that is permanent and isn't that what everyone wants that has a weight problem?

    Lastly, include some light aerobic exercise to truly make your body burn more fat and tone faster than diet alone. You can achieve this by taking brisk walks. Do you have a dog? Why not take Spot for longer walks? He will love it and your body will begin to become like a furnace that burns those excess fat cells when combined with healthy eating! The combination will not only help you lose the weight but keep it off for good!

    Want to know more secrets about how to lose weight fast and easy! Want to Know more about exercises that skyrocket your metabolism, the ingredients that you should stay away from, the health foods that are secretly making you fat and the workouts that burn up to 4x more belly fat than traditional cardio, Click here
    Article Source:

    Lose Weight Permanently in 14 Steps

    Are you ready for a permanent lifestyle change that will help you lose weight and keep it off? Are you tired of yo-yo diets and fluctuating results? Firstly, congratulate yourself on making a decision to change. Then follow these detailed steps to enjoy permanent success.
    More: Stop Dieting and Learn How to Maintain Weight

    1. Write down your reasons.

    Why do you want to lose weight? Some reasons could be:
    • I want to wear skinny jeans.
    • I want clean arteries.
    • I want to rid myself of migraines.
    • I don’t want to get cancer or heart disease.
    • I want to feel my best.
    • I want to have more energy.
    • I want to be around for my loved ones.
    Writing down your reasons allows you to re-visit them throughout your journey, especially during your weak moments when you feel overwhelmed and want to quit.
    More: A Beginner’s Nutrition Plan for Weight Loss

    2. Record your starting weight and measurements.

    Most of us hate the scale, but it is a necessary tool in this journey. Hop on the scale, write down your weight, and record it once every week or every month.
    Do not weigh yourself every day. If you don’t want to know your number, have someone else record it for you, like your significant other, or a trusted friend.
    Also take measurements. Measure your arm (around the bicep), your neck, your chest, your waist, your hips and your thigh. Some weeks, the scale will not move but the inches will. Take new measurements every six to eight weeks.
    Do not let the occasional weight gains or no-loss weeks get you down. Use these weeks as motivation. What can you do differently? Can you add another workout? Did you overeat? Assess and move on.
    More: Reach Your Weight Loss Goal in 4 Steps 

    3. Hold yourself accountable.

    If you lack self-control, join a weight-loss program such as Weight Watchers as a means to keep you accountable. Having a receptionist weigh you in once per week (and having to pay for it) can keep you honest. Plus, you will get to meet others who are on the same journey.
    At Weight Watchers, I learned invaluable tips. For example, we were challenged to sit up straight in our chairs for the entire meeting. This made me realize that I slouched often. Now I am working my core and strengthening my back when I sit.
    More: What Affects Weight Gain?
    Beware of Weight Watcher’s you-can-eat-whatever-you-want mantra. Although they do push fruits and veggies (they are now zero points), you can still indulge in unhealthy, toxic, and addictive foods.
    An occasional fast food trip can easily turn into a slippery slope that ends in failure. After six failed attempts with Weight Watchers, I gained all my weight back, plus more. This was because I allowed myself to continue eating bad foods while on the program.
    Although I did lose some weight, I felt terrible, and sooner or later the weight would came back. The few “treats” I allowed myself were ultimately my downfall.
    More: 6 Weight Loss Power Vegetables

    4. Take a “before” photo.

    It’s not fun taking the before photo. However, it does provide constant inspiration. I taped mine to my refrigerator when I first started my journey. I even taped a copy inside my pantry. Once you get to your goal weight, seeing the difference from all your hard work is indescribable.

    5. Set up an anchor.

    An anchor is something that continually reminds you how far you have come. There are several options from which to choose. I like the paper clip chain because I can make several to hang on my refrigerator, in my closet, in my food pantry, and even in my car (to remind me to make good choices when on the run).
    My first week at Weight Watchers, I lost 5.6 pounds, so I clipped five colored paper clips together. And so forth. Watching your chain grow is fun and inspiring.
    More: 5 Liver Health Tips for Weight Loss

    6. Educate yourself.

    Knowledge is power, and once you find out what you’ve really been consuming, it will be easier to stop eating it. You will quickly become disgusted and even angered over the facts that have been hidden from you for many years.
    For example, I thought dairy was healthy for me. When I gave it up, I lost weight easily. I also lost my migraines, allergies and stomach/digestive problems.
    More: 5 Digestion Tips for Athletes
    Educate yourself through credible books, documentaries and Internet sites. Here is a list of documentaries to watch:
    • Food Matters
    • Forks Over Knives
    • Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead
    • Killer at Large
    • King Corn
    • Food, Inc
    • The Gerson Miracle
    • The Beautiful TruthHere is a list of books to start reading:
    • The Eat Clean Diet, Recharged by Tosca Reno
    • Eat to Live by Dr. Joel Fuhrman
    • Eat Right, Live Longer by Dr. Neal Barnard
    • The Food Revolution by John Robbins
    • Whitewash – The Disturbing Truth about Cow’s Milk and Your Health by Joseph Keon
    • The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Plant-Based Nutrition by Julieanna Hever
    • The China Study by Dr. Campbell (stars in Forks Over Knives)
    • Green for Life by Victoria Boutenko
    • The Green Smoothies Diet by Robyn Openshaw
    • Overdosed America by Dr. John Abramson
    More: 6 Top Health Books and Authors
    Here is a list of great cookbooks:
    • Thrive Foods: 200 Plant-Based Recipes for Peak Health by Brendan Brazier
    • Blissful Bites: Vegan Meals That Nourish Mind, Body, and Planet by Christy Morgan
    • The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Gluten-Free Vegan Cooking by Julieanna Hever
    • The Engine 2 Diet by Rip Esselstyn
    • The McDougall Quick and Easy Cookbook by Dr. John A. McDougall
    • The Happy Herbivore Cookbook by Lindsay Nixon
    • Going Raw by Judita Wignall
    • Live Raw by Mimi Kirk

    7. Give your kitchen a makeover.

    Get rid of processed foods and any other garbage that you know is bad for you. Be aggressive. Are you addicted to this food? Does it hold you hostage? Remove it and never allow it back in your home. Not only is it making you fat, it’s hurting you from the inside. Throw it out.
    Now fill your home with whole foods and fresh produce. You can do this all at once, or you can take baby steps by slowly removing and replacing these foods each day. You’ll notice a change in your taste buds within a week or so, and it’ll be much easier to pitch the bad foods.
    More: 7 Ways to Eat Smart and Lose Weight

    8. Give your dinner plate a makeover.

    Decrease (or remove) your intake of animal protein (meat/dairy), and dramatically increase your intake of vegetable, fruits, leafy greens, raw nuts, beans and seeds. Both protein and calcium can be found in whole and plant-based foods.
    An easy way to get good food in your body is by juicing or drinking green smoothies. Buy a juicer or high-powered blender and start each day with a green juice or green smoothie. Getting these greens into your body will help change your taste buds and give you amazing energy and clarity.
    More: Try a Plant-Based Diet for Weight Loss

    9. Start eating more raw foods.

    Aim for at least 51 percent of each meal to be raw. You won’t believe how easily you will start dropping excess pounds. This is because raw foods have all of their living enzymes still intact. While you can still get nutrients from cooked veggies, you won’t get those living enzymes.
    If you want to get serious about going raw, I recommend buying a dehydrator, a nice food processor, a juicer, and a good blender. These changes don’t have to come all at once, but if you really want to dive in, try a juice fast.
    More: 3 Plant-Based Power Meals for Athletes

    10. Decrease or eliminate alcohol consumption.

    Alcohol can make you fat. Not only is alcohol a toxin, it can also ruin your progress. Either stop drinking altogether, or enjoy the occasional cocktail or glass of red wine (stay away from the sugary concoctions).  Measure out your intake and stop after one or two glasses. Avoid becoming intoxicated as this not only harms your body, but also makes you want to eat unhealthy foods.
    More: Does Beer Affect Your Training?

    11. Take it slow.

    It takes years to become overweight, so don’t expect it all to come off in a few months. Gain it slowly, lose it slowly. If you want it to last, take your time and do it right. Don’t rush the process. Instead, enjoy the journey. Learn from the bad weeks and celebrate the good weeks.

    12. Surround yourself with positive people.

    What you are about to do may save your life. If your friends aren’t on board, or downplay your new lifestyle, get new friends. I know this sounds harsh, but it can make or break your goals.
    If your old friends’ main goals are drinking, eating bad food, and lying around doing nothing, then it’s time to find friends who have the same (healthy) goals that you have. If you’re lucky, you may inspire several of your old friends to get healthy as well.
    More: 13 Ways to Maintain Your Weight Loss
    Surrounding yourself with positive influences makes this journey much easier. Start a monthly clean-eat or plant-based potluck. Make a new Facebook page. Find workout buddies. There are many websites and groups dedicated to good health. Join one.

    13. Start a manageable workout routine.

    Find something you love to do. I prefer exercising outdoors, but I also love my local YMCA. The classes are fantastic: Zumba, Yoga, Pilates, CrossFit, Running, Power Walking, Nordic Walking, etc. This is also a great place to meet new, like-minded friends.
    I enjoy hitting the park on nice days, strapping on my ankle weights and grabbing my hand weights for a nice, sweaty power walk. I also love workout videos. I get bored easily, so I change up my workout DVDs each week. You can get different workout DVDs from your local library.
    More: Calorie Bargains to Help You Lose Weight

    14. Believe in yourself.

    Don’t set yourself up for failure before you even start. Stop calling yourself weak without giving yourself a chance. Change your outlook to a positive one. Stop selling yourself short. Believe in yourself. Believe that you will be successful, and it will happen for you. Your past does not dictate your future. This will work.
    Active logo Increase your metabolism and tone up faster. Find a fat-burning class.


    10 Exercises for Flatter Abs

    Mix and match any (or all) of our fun firmers to make your middle little in no time.
    Your trainer Lisa Wheeler, national creative manager of group fitness for Equinox in New York City, designed these moves.
    You'll need A hand towel and a 5- to 8-pound weight
    The plan Take five minutes (even two minutes here, three there) most days to perform your fave combo of the chiselers. Try one set of 8 reps of all 10 moves, or pick a few and do two sets of 12 reps.

    Trimming Tap

    works abs, obliques, shoulders, butt, thighs
    Start in side plank, left palm on floor, right arm extended to ceiling, hips lifted, feet stacked. Hold plank as you tap right foot in front of left, then behind, for 1 rep. Do reps. Switch sides; repeat.

    Perfect Pike

    works abs, shoulders, butt, thighs
    Start in plank with a folded towel under toes. Engage abs as you lift hips and slide feet toward hands, keeping legs straight, so body forms an inverted V. Return to start for 1 rep. Repeat.

    Sizzling Swing

    works abs, shoulders, triceps
    Start in reverse plank: wrists under shoulders, fingers forward, legs extended. Drop hips and swing them back between arms, sliding heels and keeping legs straight. Return to start for 1 rep. Repeat.

    Whittling Walk

    works abs, shoulders, biceps
    Start in plank, then bend elbows to bring forearms to floor; move right hand to left elbow and left hand to right elbow. Lift right arm over left, placing it in front of left on floor, as you walk toes 1 step forward. Repeat with left arm, then reverse move to return to start, for 1 rep. Repeat.

    Get-Lean Lift

    works abs, shoulders, butt, legs
    Start in plank, then lift hips, coming into Downward Dog, as you raise left leg to ceiling and bend left knee behind you, foot flexed. Return to plank. Switch sides to complete 1 rep. Repeat.

    Sculpting Sweep

    works abs, obliques, shoulders, biceps
    Start in plank with a folded towel under toes. Engage abs as you slide knees toward outside of right elbow, then slide feet back to plank. Switch sides to complete 1 rep. Repeat

    Side Slimmer

    works abs, obliques, shoulders, butt, thighs
    Start in side plank, left palm on floor, hips lifted and feet stacked, right arm reaching past ear to create a straight line from ankles to wrist. Bring right knee and right elbow toward each other. Return to start for 1 rep. Do reps. Switch sides; repeat.

    Rear Raiser

    works abs, shoulders, biceps, butt, legs
    Start in plank with forearms on floor, a weight behind bent right knee, foot flexed. Tap right knee to floor, then return to start for 1 rep. Do reps. Switch sides; repeat.

    Play It Straight

    works abs, shoulders, back
    Crouch with knees bent under chest, heels lifted, arms extended, palms on floor, to start. Press forward into plank; hold for 1 count. Return to start for 1 rep. Repeat.

    Waist Cincher

    works abs, obliques
    Start on left side, left forearm and hip on floor, feet stacked, right hand holding dumbbell on right hip (as shown). Lift hips to create a straight line from feet to head, keeping dumbbell at hip. Return to start for 1 rep. Repeat.

    Basic Plank Pointers

    • Keep feet hip-width apart. Make it easier: Spread legs slightly wider.
    • Place wrists directly beneath shoulders with elbows soft, fingers pointed forward.
    • Be sure shoulders are pressed down and relaxed—no shrugging.
    • Form a straight line with back from head to heels. Remind yourself: Flat's where it's at.
    • Head aligns with spine, and neck is long. Focus a few inches in front of hands to adjust your position naturally.
    Active logo Increase your metabolism and tone up faster. Find a fat-burning class.

    Cant Lose Weight

    know it is frustrating, but did you know there are so many reasons a woman can t lose weight it is like the whole world, and our bodies, is working against us. I am not kidding, with so many things not in our favor it is amazing that any woman can lose the weight she wants to.

    It's just not fair, I mean, men can seemingly eat what they want and if they should put on a few extra pounds all they have to do is think about it and the extra weight is gone, right? Ok, maybe not all of them but I know a guy who just recently lost 35 pounds in about 7 weeks. It took me 6 months to lose that amount of weight then as soon as I stopped working hard at it, I put it all back on and then some.
    On average women carry 6 – 11 percent more body fat then men do. This is necessary for the regulation of certain hormones and regular menstruation not to mention having all the curves in all the right places. But if you have too much body fat and can t lose weight don't you think you deserve some answers?

    One of the reasons is that sometimes we think that if we do not eat we can lose weight. This is so far from the truth that when you read this you will probably kick yourself. Skipping meals is the number one reason why women GAIN weight. That's right, I said gain weight.

    Why? Because our bodies enter into what I like to call starvation mode and instead of burning off the excess it holds on to it because it doesn't know when it will be getting more fuel. Your metabolism actually slows way down almost to the point of not working at all. So the fix is to eat five or six small meals a day to keep your metabolism stoked. Make those meals as low carb as you can get, too.
    Another reason is lack of exercise. Did you know that all you need to do is walk for thirty minutes a day to lose those extra pounds? Who can't do that? Ask a friend to do this with you or record some favorite music on your mp3 player and just get moving. This along with your new eating plan should be enough to start losing some significant weight.

    If you have not yet reached the age for menopause or even perimenopause you might want to do all you can to lose the weight before the time comes. Once you reach this age losing weight will become even more difficult. Menopause comes at different times for every woman so talk to you mother and find out the age she went through it. This is as good a starting point as anything.

    Other reasons a woman can t lose weight include stress, lack of significant restful sleep, and ineffective blood sugar metabolism. Which does not mean that you have diabetes, so don't worry, it could just mean you eat too many carbs and you are keeping your insulin production at a high rate. When this happens your body automatically converts the carbs you eat to sugar and when that sugar doesn't get burned up, your body converts it and stores it as fat, usually around your middle section.

    Best Way to Lose Weight

    What’s the best way to lose weight?  Counting calories and moderation.
    I get asked from time to time if I had it all to do over again (you know, the whole lose 125 pounds in 10 months thing) if I would still choose to lose weight by counting calories.  Honestly, I’m taken aback a little bit.  It’s like asking the winner of the World Series a few minutes after winning the championship whether they would’ve done anything different to get there.
    I wouldn’t change a thing.
    Sure, I know that there are many ways to lose 125 pounds, but not only did my way work alright for me, I think it’s the best way to lose weight period.
    Why is calorie counting the best way to lose weight?
    Because it’s better than all the other ways, of course.  What are all the “other ways,” you might ask?  Well, here goes, and try not to get offended:
    • South Beach Diet
    • Medifast
    • Nutrisystem
    • Slimfast
    • The Diet Solution
    • Sonoma Diet
    • No/low carb diets
    • Atkins
    • The Zone Diet
    • Paleo Diet
    • Raw Food Diet
    • Mediterranean Diet
    • Weight Watchers (not the points, but the money/life membership part)
    I strongly believe counting calories is the best way to lose weight for most people.  While a couple of diets listed above might be appealing or best for those with certain conditions or set goals in mind (Paleo Diet, for one), for John and Jane Smith in Bangor, Maine or Boise, Idaho counting calories is going to be the best way for them to lose weight.
    Remember, this is just my opinion (even though every health organization and government agency agrees with me). Don’t worry though, this post is the first of a two part series — I’ll back my talk up shortly with actual reasons.
    For now, though, what do you think is the best way to lose weight?  Why?
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    Posted by Shawn Tyler Weeks on October 21, 2010.

    Easy Fixes for Weight Loss Flubs

    You might have the best intentions, but sometimes you still don't lose weight. It's so frustrating! Maybe your plan just needs a tiny tweak. Check these lists of common mistakes made by dieters. Then learn how to fix your flubs so you can get the results you deserve.
    Diet Mistakes:

    Calories in Starbucks Coffee Drinks

    Friday October 19, 2012
    cappuccinoWhat's your favorite coffee drink?  When I go to Starbucks, I order a "venti, nonfat, sugar-free hazelnut cappuccino on the dry side."  Yes, I am one of those coffee drinkers whose drink name is so long that it is almost laughable.  Last week, while I was ordering the drink at a New York Starbucks, the lady behind me asked me how many calories were in the drink. She was shocked that I knew the answer.
    How Many Calories Do You Consume at Starbucks?
    My coffee drink contains 110 calories, zero grams of fat, 16 grams of carbohydrate and 10 grams of protein according to the Starbucks app on my iPhone.  If you visit Starbucks, or any coffee house, you should check the calorie count of your coffee drink, too.  You might be surprised to find that the fat and calorie count is higher than expected.  There are a few drinks that top 700 calories.  Yikes!
    How Order Low Calorie Coffee
    If you find out that your morning java fix is too high in fat and calories, use a few simple tips to create a drink that won't ruin your diet.  First, make sure that you exercise portion control when ordering.  It's easy to mindlessly drink too many coffee calories. I order the largest size of cappuccino, but since I order it "dry," most of the drink is foam.  Second, make sure you specify nonfat milk and no whipped cream.  Why bother loading your coffee cup with unnecessary fat?  Most of the time you can't tell the difference, anyway.  And lastly, take advantage of sugar-free syrups.  They add flavor without calories.
    (photo source: pocius/flickr)

    Make A Healthier Pasta Dish

    Wednesday October 17, 2012
    veggiesThe trend in weight loss diets these days is to decrease - or eliminate - starchy carbohydrates.  High starch foods,  like white pasta dishes, don't always contain many healthy nutrients and they are often high in fat and calories.  But what if you absolutely love pasta?  You don't have to cut out pasta completely. Just use common sense, portion control, and these quick tips for making your pasta dish a little bit healthier.
    3 Ways to Make A Healthier Pasta Dish
    1. Add lean protein. Make your meal more balanced by adding a good source of lean protein, like chicken breast or salmon.  Lean protein is essential for weight loss and for good health.  Try to get some lean protein at every meal to build healthy muscle and boost your metabolism.
    2. Use whole wheat pasta. You'll increase your fiber intake if you use whole wheat pasta instead of regular pasta made with white flour.  Diets that are higher in fiber tend to be more effective for weight loss and fiber will help you to feel full longer.
    3. Load up the veggies. If you are making your pasta recipe at home, use half as much pasta and twice as many delicious vegetables.  You'll still get the satisfaction of eating a pasta dish, but you'll be eating far less starch and many more healthy carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.

    Healthy Monday Tip - Curb Emotional Eating

    Monday October 15, 2012
    plateIf we only ate when we were hungry, life would be so much simpler.  Fewer of us would be overweight and losing weight would be a piece of cake.  But life just isn't that easy.  We often eat because we are bored and we frequently snack out of habit.  And sometimes, we eat to manage our emotions.
    Be Mindful to Manage Emotional Eating
    If emotional eating has caused you to gain weight, Michelle Murphy Zive, M.S., R.D., has a suggestion for you.  In an article for the American Council on Exercise Certified News, she recommends that emotional eaters practice mindfulness when eating to avoid eating too much.
    In practical terms, that simply means that when you eat, you should be aware of the process.  She suggests eliminating distractions like televisions and cell phones from the place where you eat your meals.  Simple changes to your environment will help you to become more aware of how much you are actually consuming.  Setting up a quiet dining space will also help you to pay attention to how full you are and will help you to enjoy your meal and feel satisfied.
    These are easy changes to make and they are free.  Give them a try this week and see if it makes a difference in your eating habits and your stress level.
    (photo source: gleangenie/morguefile)

    Should Teens Get Weight Loss Surgery?

    Friday October 12, 2012
    The number of people who have elected to undergo weight loss surgery is on the rise.  As more procedures are performed and as new techniques are developed, the procedure has gotten safer and more insurance companies are willing to cover the procedure.  But does that necessarily mean it's right for everyone?
    One group that seems to be more interested in the procedure is teens.  According to a study published in The American Surgeon in November 2011, the number of adolescent bariatric procedures performed per year in the U.S. has doubled since 2006.    And with more celebrities and public figures coming out about their own procedures, the number will probably increase.
    When Should A Teen Consider Bariatric Surgery?
    According to the National Institutes of Health, weight loss surgery should only be considered for adolescents if the teen has tried to lose weight for at least 6 months without success.  The teenager should also meet these criteria:
    • Have extreme obesity (BMI > 40 )
    • Be their adult height (usually at age 13 or older for girls and 15 or older for boys)
    • Have serious health problems linked to weight, such as type 2 diabetes or sleep apnea, that may improve with bariatric surgery
    It is also essential that the teen understand the significant lifestyle changes that they will have to adapt to after surgery.   For some teens, the commitment may be too much.
    If your teen has struggled with weight and has tried a diet and exercise program without success, don't hesitate to speak with his/her pediatrician about the possibility of getting bariatric surgery.  Learn about the different procedures as well as complications and risks before making the best decision.

    If You Need To Lose 100 Pounds, Where Do You Start?

    One thing we like to do on PEERtrainer is focus on different needs. Needing to lose ten pounds for a woman needs a different approach than a guy needing to lose 45 pounds. What I want to do with this article is focus on some steps people can take if they need to lose 100 pounds or more. Here are some ideas and site resources in no order. My only advice is tackle one at a time.
    1. You might want to start thinking about what you gain by being at your weight. This might sound odd, and have published an article on this entitled "What Is Beneath The Weight?"
    2. Do a little digging and see how "ready" you are to commit to the weight loss process. PEERtrainer has developed a quick "Coaching Quiz" that will help you understand what your odds are of losing weight based on your current mindset. 
    If you want to take some baby steps and have some ideas pushed to you as you get ready, please feel free to join our PEERtrainer Tip Of The Day coaching newsletter. If you go to the page you can learn a little more about this free program. 
    3. Talk to your doctor and learn what diets and diet approaches doctors recommend. It also helps to learn what approaches are not recommended and why. But developing a relationship with your doctor, or finding a very compassionate one is an excellent start. If you had a bad experience with doctors, don't be turned off. There are many many doctors out there who care deeply.

    4. Know that weight loss is possible. Do not get talked into thinking that bypass surgery is the only route for you if you have not made the progress that you want. Fruits and vegetables are very powerful, especially greens. They can be magic.

    5. Weight Watchers is a great program to learn portion control. No matter what, you need to master the Weight Watchers points system so that you learn to how to make good decisions each day. They also give you three free online assessments which allow you quickly assess if you are ready to lose weight and what some of the specific health risks are.

    6. PEERtrainer offers a free "Weightloss Bootcamp"- it is a series of 4 free calls that go over some proven approaches.

    7. Really think about the impact the people around you on a daily basis have, and work over time to build a broad support network. Know that people you never expected are there to help you with an array of services- some free, some paid. But there are fundamental approaches that work, and will change how you think about everything.

    Common Questions:

    -Can I Lose 100 Pounds In 100 Days?

    People write about this, and the Biggest Loser mentality has made extreme weight loss fashionable. But those people are under intense medical supervision. You can absolutely lose 100 pounds, but it is going to take a consistent effort and a real focus on the negative influences of those around you.
    -What If I Really Don't Want To Lose Weight?
    This is very common and one of the things Joshua Wayne talks about in the weight loss bootcamp is the idea of "secondary gain" where you get a benefit of a certain behavior. There are all sorts of situations where fat is actually the solution for people, rather than the problem. This is mental of course, which is why a psychotherapy approach to weight loss is needed along with an MD and a solid diet like Eat For Health or Weight Watchers. This is the focus of the PEERtrainer Coaching/Training Intensive.
    What If I Really Like To Eat?
    There is really nothing wrong with enjoying food. And you would be surprised how MUCH you can eat of certain foods. This blog post discusses recipes to help you lose weight. They really work!
    by peertrainer

    How To Get The Motivation To Lose Weight

    The Motivation To Lose Weight

    We all know diets work. Every book, article, regimen, fitness plan, you name it works as long as you actually do it. Getting the motivation to follow through is arguably the most important part of losing weight. The information will always be there, but the motivation....that's the elusive piece of the puzzle, the thing that everyone wants and few of us have. How do you get the motivation to get started, stay on track, and most importantly, to get where you want to go?

    How To Get To The Core Of Weight Loss Motivation

    We get emails from people in everyday sharing their frustrations and challenges with weight loss. About 60% of them say they lack the motivation to stick with their weight loss program. They report that they do well for awhile and lose some weight, but inevitably fall off track- whether due to a loss of focus or some other kind of self-sabotage.

    As a Personal Development Coach specializing in weight loss, and who was originally trained as a psychotherapist, it's very easy for me to give them advice, but as I sat down to write this article, I thought it might be nice to really start at the most basic, fundamental level of understanding motivation, and to then work up from there.

    So armed with my trusty Mozilla Firefox I did a quick Google search for a basic definition of the word. Here is the first thing that Google gave me to consider (it came from an online dictionary associated with Princeton University):

    "the psychological feature that arouses an organism to action toward a desired goal; the reason for the action; that which gives purpose and the condition of being motivated."

    So let's pull some key words from that definition and see if we can come up with a useful way to apply the concept to weight loss.

    Action Toward a Desired Goal:

    Taking action here implies that there is a desired goal in place, so the first thing that you must be absolutely clear on is 'what is your goal?'

    The challenge here is that it's usually not sufficient to just come up with a number. 20 pounds or 30 pounds isn't going to cut it. You've known that for perhaps years, and telling yourself "I need to lose 20 pounds" over and over again hasn't gotten the job done. Just having a number in mind is not provocative enough of a goal.

    So consider: the better question to ask is, "Why do you really want to lose weight"? At first glance, this may sound like an obvious question, but if you're struggling with your weight, you need to ask yourself this question again and again until you have a very clear answer.

    Why are you looking to lose weight?

    To feel more confident to start dating again?
    To get into your favorite pair of jeans?
    To feel sexy for your husband or wife?
    To look good at your upcoming high school reunion?
    Because the doctor told you you're pre-diabetic but that there is still a chance to turn it around?
    Because you're sick and tired of feeling sick and tired?

    You have to become crystal clear on your "Why". This is the first step in establishing a goal.

    Now let's look at the first half of that equation, the part about 'taking action'. When you get clear and write it down, how motivated to take action are you? Do you feel your emotions stirring? Are you feeling the pull to get off the couch? Are you feeling the readiness to break your bad habits and make changes to your diet?

    If you're not, then you probably need to do some more work on your "Why", because your "Why" is the foundation of your motivation.

    Here is a hint: some people are more naturally motivated towards pleasure (the thought of looking great in a summer dress, meeting a guy/girl, running a 10K), while others are more motivated away from pain (being single forever, having to start taking insulin, having to see their high school friends while being heavy).

    The trick is to find out which one- "Towards Pleasure" or "Away From Pain"- is more compelling to you in terms of your weight loss, and to focus on that. Write down all the reasons that cause you to begin to stir and want to take action. This is just for you, so be bold and write everything down, even if it's very personal. This is a very important step that cannot be overlooked.

    That Which Gives Purpose

    Building on your "Why", what is your deeper purpose behind losing weight? How will your life be better if you lose the weight?

    Create a compelling picture for yourself that is rich in detail of how your life will be better.

    What will you be doing?
    Who will you be doing it with?
    Where will you be?
    Will the motivation to exercise come naturally?
    How will you feel when you're there?
    What clothes will you be wearing- or not wearing ; ) ?

    In case you didn't notice, all of the above examples were written in "Towards Pleasure" language. But maybe you'll find that doesn't work so well for you- maybe it doesn't quite give you a sense of purpose.

    If not, how about if you change the wording around a bit? Remember, some people are more motivated "Away From Pain". If this is you, you'll be more stirred by this question: "So if you don't lose the weight, or if it continues to get worse and worse, how unhappy and miserable will you be?"

    Similarly, you may want to create a compelling negative picture for yourself.

    If you don't lose the weight, what are you going to miss out on?

    What opportunities will you lose out on? Maybe the ability to enjoy healthy time with your family late into your life? Or maybe it'll mean you continue to go out to go to restaurants and take vacations by yourself.

    How will your health deteriorate if you don't lose weight?

    What does the hospital room look like where you'll have to go for dialysis treatments?

    So create a compelling picture for how your life is going to be better if you lose the weight, or worse if you don't. Cultivate this picture until it gives you a clear sense of purpose. When that purpose is there, you will be much close to taking the necessary action.

    Remember, that while uncovering your "Why" and the deeper purpose that motivates you is a first step that cannot be skipped over, we all get busy and stressed, and it's very easy to lose our focus. At least until you build some positive, forward momentum and get comfortable with your new habits and behaviors, you may have to remind yourself of your "Why" and your deeper purpose again and again every day.

    Write down your answers on an index card and put in by your bed stand or tape it to the bathroom mirror. Every morning and every night remind yourself why you really want to lose weight. Remind yourself why you need to begin taking action today, what the payoff will be if you do, and what the cost will be if you don't.

    This is not the only step on the journey, of course, but it is an important one that you have to master early on. Getting the right support in place is also extremely important, as is learning how to handle the stress and challenges of daily life in a healthy, constructive way that doesn't cause you to abandon your weight loss efforts or turn to food for emotional comfort.

    Some Simple Eating Adjustments That Will Boost Your Motivation

    One very important thing we have observed at PEERtrainer over the years is the difficulty people have sticking to plans where they have to track every detail of their eating. Or where they have to stick to a very strict nutritional regimen that some nutritional guru has convincingly laid out for them. The problem isn't that these plans work. They often work incredibly well. The issue arises when one inevitably falls off track.

    Often what happens when people fall off track, is that they either beat themselves up or they just say "screw it" and accelerate their downward spiral. The issue here is simply one of "expectation." Their plan is expecting too much of them. If this pattern sounds familiar, you will want to check out a new and free tool called the "PEERtrainer Cheat System" that you can quickly learn and start to use.

    By Joshua Wayne, MA 

    Weight loss - common myths

    More Australians are overweight or obese than ever before, and the numbers are steadily increasing. Around 68 per cent of men and 55 per cent of women are carrying too much body fat and 25 per cent of children are overweight or obese This means that the incidence of obesity-related disorders, such as coronary heart disease and diabetes, is also on the rise.

    There's no magic weight loss potion

    Dieting has led to many unhealthy misconceptions about weight loss. There are no magical foods or ways to combine foods that melt away excess body fat. To reduce your weight, you need to make small, achievable changes to your lifestyle. You need to change the way you eat and increase your physical activity.

    Some dietary fats cause weight gain

    Fats contain approximately double the amount of kilojoules (calories) per gram than carbohydrates or protein. They are a very concentrated form of energy. If you eat a lot of fat you are more likely to put on weight than if you eat a lot of carbohydrates.

    The type of fat you eat may also be important. Research shows that animal fats (saturated fats) may be more 'fattening' than plant and fish fats. Fish and plant fats appear to be more readily used by the body and less likely to be stored as fat in the belly. They can also provide some health benefits.

    Excess carbohydrates or protein can also be converted into body fat. If you eat more kilojoules than you use, you will put on weight whether those kilojoules came from fats, carbohydrates or proteins.

    Low, moderate or high-carbohydrate diets

    In the short term, very low-carbohydrate diets can result in greater weight loss than high-carbohydrate diets but in the long term weight loss differences appear to be minimal. Very low- carbohydrate diets can be unhealthy if too much animal fat is consumed and if plant foods are overly restricted. The long-term safety of these diets is unknown.

    Five food myths exposed

    There are many myths about foods - what you should eat and when you should eat them. We expose five myths as false!

    1. Potatoes make you fat – false
    It was once thought that the key to weight loss was eliminating all high-carbohydrate foods, including pasta, rice and potatoes. We now know that carbohydrates are the body's preferred energy source. Eating a potato, or any type of carbohydrate rich food, won't automatically make you fatter. However, if you are watching your weight, enjoy potatoes in moderate quantities and be careful of how you eat them (for example, butter and sour cream are high in fats).

    You have to regularly eat more energy than your body needs to put on weight. This is harder to do with high-carbohydrate foods than high-fat foods. Eating a diet high in carbohydrate (and also fibre) is likely to push fat out of the diet.

    2. Food combining diets really work – false
    There are plenty of diets based on the belief that the digestive system can't tackle a combination of foods or nutrients. Commonly, carbohydrates and proteins are said to 'clash', leading to digestive problems and weight gain. The opposite is often true. Foods eaten together can help the digestive system. For example, vitamin C in orange juice can increase iron absorption from a meal rich in plant-based iron like beans and rice, lentils and other legumes.

    Very few foods are purely carbohydrate or purely protein; most are a mixture of both. The digestive system contains enzymes that are perfectly capable of breaking down all the foods we eat. Food combining diets should be avoided.

    3. Breakfast should consist of fruit only – false
    There is no evidence that eating only fruit at breakfast has any health or weight loss benefits. Most fruits are not very high in complex carbohydrates, which the body needs after an all-night fast. They are, however, a good source of fibre and vitamins. Cereal foods (especially wholegrain varieties) like bread, muffins and breakfast cereals are a much better source of carbohydrates to get you going in the morning.

    4. There are some magical foods that cause weight loss – false
    Some foods, such as grapefruit or kelp, are said to burn off body fat. This is not true. Dietary fibre comes closest to fulfilling this wish because it provides a feeling of 'fullness' with minimal kilojoules. High-fibre foods such as fruit, vegetables, wholegrain breads and cereals, and legumes also tend to be low in fat.

    5. Drinking while you are eating is fattening – false
    The theory behind this misconception is that digestive juices and enzymes will be diluted by the fluid, and this will slow down the digestion and lead to excess body fat. There is no scientific evidence to back this up. In fact, evidence suggests that drinking water with your meal improves digestion. Kilojoule-heavy drinks such as alcoholic beverages can be fattening if consumed in excess, but drinking them with meals doesn't make them more so.

    The key to weight loss

    Suggestions for safe and effective weight loss include:
    • Don't crash diet. You'll most likely regain the lost weight within five years.
    • Aim for slow weight loss. You should lose no more than 0.5kg a week or 10kg in six months.
    • Aim for a healthy waist circumference of less than 94cm for men and less than 80cm women.
    • Cut down on dietary fats, especially saturated fat, and choose low fat varieties where possible.
    • Cut back on refined sugars.
    • Increase your intake of fresh fruit, vegetables and wholegrain breads and cereals.
    • Consume less alcohol.
    • Eat less takeaway and snack foods.
    • Exercise for approximately 30 minutes at least a few times every week. Introduce more movement into your day – try to accumulate 30 minutes of walking daily.
    • Don't eliminate any food group. Instead choose from a wide range of foods every day and choose 'whole', less processed foods. Have a regular pattern of eating and stick to it.
    • Drink at least 1,500ml of water per day.

    Where to get help

    • Your doctor
    • Dietitians Association of Australia Tel. 1800 812 942

    Things to remember

    • 'Crash dieting' can affect your physical and mental wellbeing.
    • There are no magical foods or ways to combine food that will help you lose weight.
    • The best way to lose weight is slowly, by making small, achievable changes to your eating and exercise habits.


      Dieting is surrounded by myths and gimmicks. No single food or diet can help you lose weight. Extreme low-carbohydrate, high-carbohydrate, high-protein or limited diets can damage your health. To reduce body fat and lose weight, you need to change the way you eat and increase your physical activity.
      More Australians are overweight or obese than ever before, and the numbers are steadily increasing. Around 68 per cent of men and 55 per cent of women are carrying too much body fat and 25 per cent of children are overweight or obese This means that the incidence of obesity-related disorders, such as coronary heart disease and diabetes, is also on the rise.

      There's no magic weight loss potion

      Dieting has led to many unhealthy misconceptions about weight loss. There are no magical foods or ways to combine foods that melt away excess body fat. To reduce your weight, you need to make small, achievable changes to your lifestyle. You need to change the way you eat and increase your physical activity.

      Some dietary fats cause weight gain

      Fats contain approximately double the amount of kilojoules (calories) per gram than carbohydrates or protein. They are a very concentrated form of energy. If you eat a lot of fat you are more likely to put on weight than if you eat a lot of carbohydrates.

      The type of fat you eat may also be important. Research shows that animal fats (saturated fats) may be more 'fattening' than plant and fish fats. Fish and plant fats appear to be more readily used by the body and less likely to be stored as fat in the belly. They can also provide some health benefits.

      Excess carbohydrates or protein can also be converted into body fat. If you eat more kilojoules than you use, you will put on weight whether those kilojoules came from fats, carbohydrates or proteins.

      Low, moderate or high-carbohydrate diets

      In the short term, very low-carbohydrate diets can result in greater weight loss than high-carbohydrate diets but in the long term weight loss differences appear to be minimal. Very low- carbohydrate diets can be unhealthy if too much animal fat is consumed and if plant foods are overly restricted. The long-term safety of these diets is unknown.

      Five food myths exposed

      There are many myths about foods - what you should eat and when you should eat them. We expose five myths as false!

      1. Potatoes make you fat – false
      It was once thought that the key to weight loss was eliminating all high-carbohydrate foods, including pasta, rice and potatoes. We now know that carbohydrates are the body's preferred energy source. Eating a potato, or any type of carbohydrate rich food, won't automatically make you fatter. However, if you are watching your weight, enjoy potatoes in moderate quantities and be careful of how you eat them (for example, butter and sour cream are high in fats).

      You have to regularly eat more energy than your body needs to put on weight. This is harder to do with high-carbohydrate foods than high-fat foods. Eating a diet high in carbohydrate (and also fibre) is likely to push fat out of the diet.

      2. Food combining diets really work – false
      There are plenty of diets based on the belief that the digestive system can't tackle a combination of foods or nutrients. Commonly, carbohydrates and proteins are said to 'clash', leading to digestive problems and weight gain. The opposite is often true. Foods eaten together can help the digestive system. For example, vitamin C in orange juice can increase iron absorption from a meal rich in plant-based iron like beans and rice, lentils and other legumes.

      Very few foods are purely carbohydrate or purely protein; most are a mixture of both. The digestive system contains enzymes that are perfectly capable of breaking down all the foods we eat. Food combining diets should be avoided.

      3. Breakfast should consist of fruit only – false
      There is no evidence that eating only fruit at breakfast has any health or weight loss benefits. Most fruits are not very high in complex carbohydrates, which the body needs after an all-night fast. They are, however, a good source of fibre and vitamins. Cereal foods (especially wholegrain varieties) like bread, muffins and breakfast cereals are a much better source of carbohydrates to get you going in the morning.

      4. There are some magical foods that cause weight loss – false
      Some foods, such as grapefruit or kelp, are said to burn off body fat. This is not true. Dietary fibre comes closest to fulfilling this wish because it provides a feeling of 'fullness' with minimal kilojoules. High-fibre foods such as fruit, vegetables, wholegrain breads and cereals, and legumes also tend to be low in fat.

      5. Drinking while you are eating is fattening – false
      The theory behind this misconception is that digestive juices and enzymes will be diluted by the fluid, and this will slow down the digestion and lead to excess body fat. There is no scientific evidence to back this up. In fact, evidence suggests that drinking water with your meal improves digestion. Kilojoule-heavy drinks such as alcoholic beverages can be fattening if consumed in excess, but drinking them with meals doesn't make them more so.

      The key to weight loss

      Suggestions for safe and effective weight loss include:
      • Don't crash diet. You'll most likely regain the lost weight within five years.
      • Aim for slow weight loss. You should lose no more than 0.5kg a week or 10kg in six months.
      • Aim for a healthy waist circumference of less than 94cm for men and less than 80cm women.
      • Cut down on dietary fats, especially saturated fat, and choose low fat varieties where possible.
      • Cut back on refined sugars.
      • Increase your intake of fresh fruit, vegetables and wholegrain breads and cereals.
      • Consume less alcohol.
      • Eat less takeaway and snack foods.
      • Exercise for approximately 30 minutes at least a few times every week. Introduce more movement into your day – try to accumulate 30 minutes of walking daily.
      • Don't eliminate any food group. Instead choose from a wide range of foods every day and choose 'whole', less processed foods. Have a regular pattern of eating and stick to it.
      • Drink at least 1,500ml of water per day.

      Where to get help

      • Your doctor
      • Dietitians Association of Australia Tel. 1800 812 942

      Things to remember

      • 'Crash dieting' can affect your physical and mental wellbeing.
      • There are no magical foods or ways to combine food that will help you lose weight.
      • The best way to lose weight is slowly, by making small, achievable changes to your eating and exercise habits.

      You might also be interested in:

      Want to know more?

      Go to More information for support groups, related links and references.

      This page has been produced in consultation with and approved by:

      Deakin University - School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences
      (Logo links to further information)

    Weight Loss Advice

    The Ultimate Weight Loss Guide

    Want that lean and sexy body that you see in magazine covers? The sight of it probably makes your heart race. You are not alone in that. A lot of people from all over the world desire to have that slender body of a model. Many are trying to find ways on how to lose weight fast.

    But before you start looking for slimming methods, you need to make a lot of considerations. Don't try to lose weight just because you want that slender model-like figure. Keep in mind all the benefits you can get if you eat well and exercise.

    Losing weight is one of the major struggles of many. Your first obstacle would be your lazy feet. Then you have to struggle to continue. A lot of people don't slim down because they stop in the middle of the program.

    Most people want to lose weight fast yet they are not willing to work for it. Below are some tips that will help you achieve your desired weight:

    1. Set goals-before you start any diet or exercise plan you have to establish what you want. Set a benchmark to how much weight you want to lose and for how long. This should be something attainable. If you set goals that are unrealistic, you will end up getting frustrated and you'd probably quit in the middle of your weight loss program.

    2. Choose a program-you can choose from a long list of weight loss strategies. You can choose from a variety of diets and exercises. You should pick those that you would enjoy doing. Don't force yourself into something that you can't maintain. Choosing things that you enjoy and like would make your efforts less burdensome.

    3. Have the right attitude-you need to keep a positive attitude towards what you are doing. You have to keep yourself motivated in order for you to go on with your exercise and diet plan. It's good if you don't get too conscious of the numbers. Just enjoy what you do.

    4. Be patient- you can't get these at the wave of a magic wand. You need to spend time and effort in order to get what you want. This is the technique on how to lose weight.This article gives some important weight loss tips. For more information on how to lose weight easily you can visit this website.

    This article gives some important weight loss tips. To know more about how to lose weight fast tips please click here.
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