Eating Healthy Through the Holidays!

Do the anticipation of the holidays making you cringe because you are "watching" your weight and you know how much food will be available to you and think that there will be a ton of pressure to eat it all - you know how the family is...

Well, here are a few tips that will help you keep your sanity during the holidays.
Don't skip meals. Eat healthy through your day and before you go to the next party, have a small healthy snack which will help you feel less hungry and curb the temptations to dive into all the food.
Keep your goals in mind. Write down where you want to be and keep this in mind throughout the holidays.

Be realistic. Keep a food journal to help you keep track of what you really eat. It's so easy to mindlessly eat during the holidays.

Make the healthiest choice possible. Quickly survey the buffet table and make the healthiest choice; pick the items you like and skip the ones you don't. Try to keep you plate balanced by choosing vegetables and fruits.

Make time for exercise by planning it in your schedule. Exercise helps relieve holiday stress and prevent weight gain. A daily moderate does of exercise can help offset the increase of holiday eating. Try a 10-15 minute walk two times a day

When it comes to food, giving into temptation is a sure-fire way to leave you whimpering on the scale or feeling deprived come New Year's Day. Rather than the all-or-nothing approach to the holidays, approach this season well-armed with a specific plan.

Be aware of your emotional state with your holiday eating. The holidays can bring on a wealth of emotions - good and bad. Some people turn to food to sooth their feelings. Family reunions can be a mix of conflict, joy and even expectations for the holidays can lead to loneliness and disappointments. And, the stress of preparing for the holidays can evoke memories - sad and happy. Learn to talk through, rather than eat through, those feelings. Often relieving pressure and reduce unwanted eating can be as easy as talking with a friend

Keep your perspective! The greatest gift of the holidays is not the buffet table, the fudge, or the champagne. Some of the greatest gifts of the holidays are the conversations, the camaraderie and the laughter enjoyed with family and friends. Plan activities that nourish your sou and build memories such as caroling, tree trimming and get together with others like skating, sledding and strolling through the neighborhood to see the decorations.

Preserve the holidays and drop the binge. Giving into temptation is a sure-fire way to leave you whimpering on the scale and feeling a little deprived after New Year's. Approach this season well-armed with a specific plan.

Still looking for a more solid plan to have during the holidays? We have an eating plan and a free coach to support you through.
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